Chad Mallow
I'm a commercial and editorial portrait photographer living in Missoula, Montana, near Glacier National Park.
Since I was a child, I’ve loved drawing, painting, creating. It wasn’t until college that I picked up my first camera- and was hooked! I saw photography as a way to explore memories, and still do. From those early photos I realized that I prefer the warmth and grace of natural light and the simple beauty of perfect composition.
...And collaboration. I enjoy being around people, and I’ve found that many of my favorite portraits are like good conversations; they’re not something I experience alone. Everyone has something to say and a good portrait is often the result of creating a place where people have the freedom to tell you who they are, which means letting go of a plan or preconceived idea. Most portraits tell someone’s story...or at least a glimpse of it.
I want to hear those stories,
I want to tell those stories.
with you.